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Belarus: Stadler Minsk inaugurates EUR 73 million rolling stock plant in Fanipol

Belarus: Stadler Minsk inaugurates EUR 73 million rolling stock plant in Fanipol
November 20
12:00 2014

Stadler Minsk plant in Fanipol (Belarus) was officially inaugurated today in the presence of Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko and the CEO of “Stadler Rail Group” Peter Shpuler. 

The greenfield-site plant, an investment estimated at EUR 73 million, manufactures trains and creates modern facilities for the production of trams and trolleybuses. EBRD provided a senior loan in April 2013 which was followed by two extensions and amounts to a total of EUR 26 million. 

Stadler became an investor in Belarus in 2007 when it created a public-private-partnership with the Minsk Region Executive Committee (MREC) for the production of rolling stock. At that time, MREC provided certain assets of Belkommunmash, a leading Belarus manufacturer, related to the production of trams and trolleybuses at its Minsk site. Following the successful establishment of the venture, Stadler bought out MREC’s stake and became the sole owner of Stadler Minsk in May 2014.




BelarusRolling stockStadlerStadler Minsk

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