Polish state owned infrastructure manager PKP Polish Railway Lines plans to make investments worth more than PLN 50 bn (EUR 12.4 bn) until 2023. Later this year, PKP PLK will launch tenders with a total value of PLN 11 bn (EUR 2.7 bn). The infrastructure manager has already started making
Central Europe & Baltic States Rail Data & News
The Czech Republic (ČR) has joined the Rail Freight Corridor North Sea – Baltic. The Czech Republic lies on the intersection of the important European routes: RFC 5 corridor (Baltic– Adriatic), RFC 7 (Orient/East-Mediterranean), and RFC 9 (Czech-Slovak, CS corridor). ČR and the countries of RFC 8 (BE, NL, DE, PL, LT) have thus made efforts
The Czech Railway Infrastructure Administration (Správa Železniční Dopravní Cesty, SŽDC) has selected Mott MacDonald – Sudop Praha A.S. joint venture (JV) to carry out two studies for a new cross-border railway line that will connect Dresden in Germany with Ústí nad Labem and Litoměřice in the Czech Republic. The new railway will
Slovenian Railways (Slovenske železnice, d. o. o., SZ ) plans to purchase for five diesel locomotives. The company is working on the project documentation and the tender will be launched this autumn. SZ passenger subsidiary, SŽ-Potniški promet, d. o. o. has a fleet of 108 multiple units (38 electric and 70 diesel), 12 locomotives (8
Slovenian Railways has made a profit for the third year in a row. The group registered a net profit of EUR 14.4 million and an operating income of EUR 557.2 million, up by 10% compared to 2013. The growth in operating income was mostly due to higher revenues from freight transport, SŽ-Tovorni transporting last year nearly
As of today, people can travel by train to airport Letiste Leose Janacka Ostrava in Mosnov. The 2.9 km long railway line connecting the airport with the town of Sedlnice is linked to the main railway corridor between Ostrava and Prague and Ostrava and Brno. This is the first new railway line built in the Czech
Serbian Railways and the Serbian Institute of Transportation CIP have signed the contract for the spatial planning of Belgrade-Budapest railway line upgrade project. The spatial planning study of Belgrade-Kelebija-border railway segment will be completed within six months. The feasibility study on Belgrade-Budapest railway line upgrade as a 200 km/h double-track railway is to be completed
Works for equipping Hegyeshalom – Rajka- border railway section with ETCS (European Train Control System) have been launched. The 13 km long railway section, part of Hungary’s railway line No. I (Budapest-Hegyeshalom- Rajka), is managed by the Austrian-Hungarian infrastructure manager Gysev. Thales Rail Signalling Solutions Kft., a Thales Austria GmbH., and Dunántúli Távközlési és Biztosítóberendezési
PKP Group investments in rolling stock, railway stations and railway infrastructure reach more than PLN 30 billion (EUR 7.4 bn) between 2012-2015. In the new EU financial exercise the group aims to obtain PLN 42.8 billion (EUR 10.5) , which is about 112% more, compared to the previous perspective. According to PKP Group statement, PKP Intercity registered an increase in the number of travelers two