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EUR 63m for the extension of Bratislava’s tram and reconstruction of Stary Most bridge

EUR 63m for the extension of Bratislava’s tram and reconstruction of Stary Most bridge
January 28
15:26 2015

Slovakia: The European Commission approved an investment of EUR 63 million from the Cohesion Fund to extend Bratislava's tramway from the city centre to Bratislava's most populous borough Petrzalka (Title of project: Tramway extension to Petrzalka borough – 1st Segment Safarikovo namestie – Bosakova ulica D1 Dubna Skala - Turany) .

The aim of the project is to extend the current tram network from the city centre to Bratislava’s most populous borough Petrzalka and thus strengthening the position of the tram as an environmentally friendly mode of transportation in Bratislava’s public transport system. The project includes a new double track tramway in the length of 2.4 km connecting Petrzalka borough with the city centre, reconstruction of “Stary most” bridge as the tramway uses its corridor, and supporting infrastructure and connections.

The project will introduce into the tram network three new tram stops: Viedenska, Bosakova and Jantarova. The existing stop Sturova will be reconstructed. The tram line is planned to be completed by the end of 2015.

This investment comes through the EU Regional Policy programme "Transport", under the priority axis “Integrated transport systems, rolling stock and infrastructure”. The European Union will finance EUR 63 million under the Cohesion Fund out of a total investment of EUR 76.8 million.

EUPublic Transport Company Bratislavatramway


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