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Croatia Railway Data
    EUR 130 million loan for the development of Croatian Railways

EUR 130 million loan for the development of Croatian Railways

Croatian government has accepted the Croatian railways’ sustainable development project, which stipulates a HRK 1 billion (EUR 130 million) loan to pay for severance packages and for investing in increasing the competitiveness of HŽ Infrastruktura, HŽ

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Hungary Railway Data
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    Romanian consortium in the tender for Budapest metro cars modernisation

Romanian consortium in the tender for Budapest metro cars modernisation

Romanian companies Electroputere VFU – Reloc Craiova, part of Grampet Group, and Astra Passenger Coaches (Arad) are participating in the EUR 205 million tender launched by Budapest Transport Company (BKV) to modernise 222

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Lithuania Railway Data
    EU suspects Lithuanian Railways of having limited competition

EU suspects Lithuanian Railways of having limited competition

The European Commission has informed the Lithuanian railway incumbent AB Lietuvos geležinkeliai (“LG”) that it suspects the company of having limited competition on the rail markets in Lithuania and Latvia

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    Slovenian Railways ends 2014 with EUR 30 million operating profit

Slovenian Railways ends 2014 with EUR 30 million operating profit

Slovenske železnice (Slovenian Railways SZ) finished 2014 above plans in terms of profit, while both profit and revenue increased compared to 2013, general manager Dušan Mes has told an interview

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    RVU Baltia presents first post-independence Latvian rail freight wagon

RVU Baltia presents first post-independence Latvian rail freight wagon

Rīgas Vagonbūves Uzņēmums “Baltija”  (RVU Baltia) in collaboration with Latvian Railways (LDZ) subsidiary LDZ RollingStock Service (RSS) presented the first post-independence Latvian designed and manufactured railway freight wagon.  “Our company’s production capacity allows a production of more

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    EUR 63m for the extension of Bratislava’s tram and reconstruction of Stary Most bridge

EUR 63m for the extension of Bratislava’s tram and reconstruction of Stary Most bridge

Slovakia: The European Commission approved an investment of EUR 63 million from the Cohesion Fund to extend Bratislava’s tramway from the city centre to Bratislava’s most populous borough Petrzalka (Title

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Railway safety statistics

Safety in EU rail transport has steadily enhanced over the years: in 2013, the decline in number of accidents compared with 2012 could be established at 1.9 % on 26 Jan 2015
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TCDD key statistics 2011- 2013 Data Vizualisation

Turkish State Railways (TCDD) posted a loss of TL 1.28 billion (EUR 461 million) in 2013, the largest loss of all the State Economic Enterprises (KIT). on 26 Jan 2015
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Overview - Polish rolling stock manufacturers

For several years, Polish manufacturers of rolling stock have been paying close attention to the terms of tenders for supply of new trains and trams abroad. on 26 Jan 2015
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European Railway Research and Innovation Conference

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