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Romanian consortium in the tender for Budapest metro cars modernisation

Romanian consortium in the tender for Budapest metro cars modernisation
January 19
09:15 2015

Romanian companies Electroputere VFU – Reloc Craiova, part of Grampet Group, and Astra Passenger Coaches (Arad) are participating in the EUR 205 million tender launched by Budapest Transport Company (BKV) to modernise 222 metro cars, with an option of further 42 cars.

The consortium has submitted the documentation for the first stage in the auction, in which the offers are pre-qualified, and which is expected to be completed by end-January.

Six other companies submitted bids, among them are Alstom, Skoda, companies from Russia and Hungary.

Astra Passenger Coaches (Astra Vagoane Calatori)Electroputere VFU – Reloc CraiovaGrampet Group


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