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Slovak rail infrastructure manager to invest EUR 224 m in 2015

Slovak rail infrastructure manager to invest EUR 224 m in 2015
January 08
15:25 2015

The Slovak rail infrastructure manager ZSR plans to invest from EU funds an amount of EUR 224 million in 2015. Among the railway modernisation projects the company aims to complete next are

-  Beluša - Púchov (Modernization of railway track Nové Mesto nad Váhom – Púchov, km 100.500 – 159.100 for track speed of 160 km/hrs. – VI. phase)
- Zlatovce – Trenčianská Teplá (Modernization of railway track Nové Mesto nad Váhom – Púchov, km 100.500 – 159.100 for trackspeed of 160 km/hrs. – III. phase)
- Považská Teplá – Dolný Hričov
- Introduction of ERTMS in section Bratislava - Žilina - Cadca - Thu. hr. SR / CR (ETCS Implementation in Corridor VI: Žilina - Čadca – state border SK/CZ)
- Intermodal Transport Terminal Žilina, 1. phase of construction
- Integrated passenger rail transport Terminal  Moldava n/Bodvou town

In 2014, ZSR's  railway  infrastructure development projects were co-funded by the European Union  in a total amount of EUR 127.5 million and EUR 22. 5 by the state government.


Modernisation of the Žilina – Krásno nad Kysucou line

4 293 868,20

757 741,45

Modernization of railway track Nové Mesto nad Váhom – Púchov, km for track speed of 160 km/hrs. – III. phase (Zlatovce - Trenčianska Teplá) 43 182 220,47 7 620 391,84
Modernization of railway track Nové Mesto nad Váhom – Púchov, km for track speed of 160 km/hrs. – IV. phase (Trenčianska Teplá – Ilava – Beluša) 31 983 018,56 5 644 062,11
Modernization of railway track Nové Mesto nad Váhom – Púchov, km for track speed of 160 km/hrs. – VI. phase 21 382 597,02 3 773 399,47
Modernization of railway track Púchov – Žilina, for track speed of 160 km/hrs., II. phase – (section
Považská Teplá /outside/ – Žilina /outside/)
14 155 268,38 2 497 988,53
ETCS Implementation in Corridor VI: Žilina - Čadca – state border SK/C 1 250 367,29 220 653,05
GSM-R implementation Bratislava - Žilina - Čadca - state border SK/CZ 5 350 521,27 944 209,65
Intermodal Transport Terminal Žilina, 1. phase of construction 6 192 438,47 1 092 783,28
EURail infrastructureRailways of the Slovak Republic (ZSR)


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