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Slovenia Railway Data

    Slovenian Railways to purchase five diesel locomotives

Slovenian Railways to purchase five diesel locomotives

Slovenian Railways (Slovenske železnice, d. o. o., SZ ) plans to purchase for five diesel locomotives. The company is working on the project documentation and the tender will be launched this autumn. SZ passenger subsidiary, SŽ-Potniški promet, d. o. o. has a fleet of 108 multiple units (38 electric and 70 diesel), 12 locomotives (8

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    Slovenian Railways makes profit for third year in a row

Slovenian Railways makes profit for third year in a row

Slovenian Railways has made a profit for the third year in a row. The group registered a net profit of EUR 14.4 million and an operating income of EUR 557.2 million, up by 10% compared to 2013.  The growth in operating income was mostly due to higher revenues from freight transport, SŽ-Tovorni transporting last year nearly

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Alpine crossing railway tunnel projects to be completed within the next 15 years

On 19 and 20 March 2015, Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc met in Innsbruck with the Transport Ministers of the seven Alpine States – Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Slovenia, Switzerland and Liechtenstein to discuss the development of transport solutions across the Alpine region. The Commissioner and the Ministers confirmed their joint

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    Slovenia: Construction of Koper – Divaca second railway track could be financed via Public-Private Partnership

Slovenia: Construction of Koper – Divaca second railway track could be financed via Public-Private Partnership

The Slovenian government coalition partners have discussed the possibility of financing the construction of Koper – Divača second railway track under a public-private partnership (PPP). The Minister of Infrastructure, Peter Gašperšič said that the government is looking into different options for a public-private partnership, including concession, which would allow the construction of the EUR 1,4 billion

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    EUR 3m studies on a better connection between the northern Adriatic ports and the main rail and inland waterways networks

EUR 3m studies on a better connection between the northern Adriatic ports and the main rail and inland waterways networks

The EU’s TEN-T Programme will back with almost EUR 3 million studies on a better connection between the northern Adriatic ports and the main rail and inland waterways networks in the region. The project’s ambition is to contribute to the development of these ports as interconnection points between maritime and other modes

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    Slovenian Railways ends 2014 with EUR 30 million operating profit

Slovenian Railways ends 2014 with EUR 30 million operating profit

Slovenske železnice (Slovenian Railways SZ) finished 2014 above plans in terms of profit, while both profit and revenue increased compared to 2013, general manager Dušan Mes has told an interview with the STA. SZ’s operating profit reached approximately  EUR 30 million, according to preliminary results, while the target was EUR

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    PKP Cargo buys 80% stake in AWT for EUR 103.2 mln

PKP Cargo buys 80% stake in AWT for EUR 103.2 mln

On December 30th, PKP Cargo signed an agreement to buy for EUR 103.2 mln (PLN 445 million) an 80% stake Advanced World Transport (AWT), the second largest rail freight operator in the Czech Republic active in Central and Southern Europe.  The acquisition will be finalised after authorisations are obtained from Polish, Czech, German and

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    Slovenia: New Transport Development Strategy until 2030, list of railway projects

Slovenia: New Transport Development Strategy until 2030, list of railway projects

The Slovenian Ministry of Infrastructure has launched a Transport Development Strategy until 2030, subject to public consultation until end of January 2015. The measures listed in the strategy were proposed for co-financing by the cohesion fund (investments in railway infrastructure, missing highway sections, investments in port infrastructure, projects promoting sustainable mobility) and by

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    EU to finance study on developing better rail connection between Slovenia and Austria

EU to finance study on developing better rail connection between Slovenia and Austria

The EU’s TEN-T Programme will co-fund with over EUR 550,000 a study on developing the railway connection between Maribor, Slovenia’s second largest city, and Šentilj near the Austrian border. The project will help facilitate passenger and freight transport between both countries. The project will carry out preliminary environmental, geodesy, design and investment

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    Divača-Koper second railway track project a priority for Slovenia

Divača-Koper second railway track project a priority for Slovenia

The construction of a second railway track on Koper-Divača line is top of the list of the EUR 4 billion worth of projects submitted by Slovenia for receiving EU co-financing in 2014-2020 financial period, along with other railway rehabilitation projects, motorway projects, and construction of hydro plants.   The 26.4 km railway line

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