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Tag "Stadler"

    Stadler EMUs enter service in Serbia

Stadler EMUs enter service in Serbia

Serbian Railways has introduced into regular service the first Stadler Flirt III EMUs. The  ICS (Inter City Serbia) train will operate on a regular basis on Belgrade – Novi Sad – Subotica route. “The modernization of rolling stock fleet of Serbian Railways has finally begun, and with the introduction of the new Stadler trains

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    Stadler wins new EMU contract from MÁV-Start

Stadler wins new EMU contract from MÁV-Start

MÁV-Start, Hungary’s national passenger operator, has announced that Stadler Bussnang AG has submitted the lowest bid in the tender for the acquisition of 6+15 EMUs. The 160 km/h energy efficient trains will have a seating capacity of 200 persons and will operate on Budapest suburban railway lines starting with 2017. Only two companies participated in the tender and Stadler

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    Aeroexpress renegotiates contract with Stadler Rail for Kiss trains

Aeroexpress renegotiates contract with Stadler Rail for Kiss trains

Impacted by the sharp ruble devaluation and rise in operating costs, the Russian rail passenger operator Aeroexpress wants to cancel the contract with Stadler for the delivery of 25 double-deck KISS trains. The Swiss manufacturer is trying to sell the already assembled trains in Azerbaijan. According to Le Temps publication, Aeroexpress has twice attempted to cancel

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    Azerbaijan Railways presents its latest acquisition the Kiss double-deck EMU

Azerbaijan Railways presents its latest acquisition the Kiss double-deck EMU

The first two Kiss double-deck EMUs purchased by Azerbajan Railways (ADY) from Stadler and the status of modernisation works on Baku-Sumgayit-Baku railway ring were presented to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on Wednesday. Stadler has delivered two of the five Kiss double-deck EMUs, as part of the agreement signed by

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    100 Stadler FLIRTs in operation in Hungary

100 Stadler FLIRTs in operation in Hungary

Stadler Rail Group has delivered on Friday the 100th low-floor electric FLIRT train to Hungary. The Swiss railway manufacturer received different orders in the past couple of years for altogether 112 FLIRT units from Hungarian railway operators: 102 from Hungarian National Railways MÁV and 10 from Győr–Sopron–Ebenfurth Railway GYSEV. Since

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Azerbaijan Railways orders five Stadler double-deck coaches

Azerbaijan Railways (Azәrbaycan Dәmir Yollari, ADY) has signed a contract with Stadler Rail for the purchase of 5 four-car double-deck coaches for use on the modernised Baku-Sumgait railway line. Two units will be delivered in June and the rest until January 2016. The seating and standing capacities of the coaches are 919 and 396, with 84

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    Serbian Railways to introduce Stadler Flirt emus into service next month

Serbian Railways to introduce Stadler Flirt emus into service next month

Serbian Railways (ŽS) announced that Stadler Flirt emus will enter service starting with next month. The first 13 units of the 21 four-car Flirt emus  will be used on all the main electrified lines and on suburban and regional services (Belgrade–Šid, Belgrade–Novi Sad–Subotica, Belgrade–Niš, Niš–Preševo, Belgrade–Kraljevo and Belgrade–Užice–Prijepolje Teretna). The remaining eight trains are

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    Stadler sells its first bi-modal FLIRT

Stadler sells its first bi-modal FLIRT

On Mai 12th, the Valle d’Aosta Region of north-west Italy awarded Stadler Rail a contract worth approx. EUR 43 million for five bi-modal trains (BMU) able to operate in Diesel mode or under 3 kVDC catenary, for the interregional passenger service between Aosta and Torino. The bi-modal trains, of the newest

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Stadler Rail and ABB to upgrade SJ’s X2000 high-speed train fleet

Stadler Rail and ABB have signed a cooperation agreement to upgrade the X2000 high-speed train fleet for SJ, Sweden’s state-owned passenger operator. Since being introduced 25 years ago, the trains have been regarded as among the most comfortable trains in the world.  A total of 36 trains in the X2000 fleet will be

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    Belarus: Stadler Minsk inaugurates EUR 73 million rolling stock plant in Fanipol

Belarus: Stadler Minsk inaugurates EUR 73 million rolling stock plant in Fanipol

Stadler Minsk plant in Fanipol (Belarus) was officially inaugurated today in the presence of Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko and the CEO of “Stadler Rail Group” Peter Shpuler.  The greenfield-site plant, an investment estimated at EUR 73 million, manufactures trains and creates modern facilities for the production of trams and trolleybuses. EBRD provided a senior loan in April 2013 which

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