Russian rolling stock manufacturer UralVagonZavod Research and Production Corporation and Azerbaijan Railways (Azərbaycan Dəmir Yolları QSC) signed a contract for the supply of 2,900 freight wagons. The freight wagons to be delivered are universal gondolas, grain cars, tanks for transportation of oil and oil products, hopper cars for cement and other types. According
Tag "Uralvagonzavod Corporation"

Uralvagonzavod Corporation obtained a compliance certificate for a new set of 1,000 innovative hopper cars series , based on the 18-194-1 model, with the capacity of 25,000 kg. The hopper’s cargo capacity reached up to 76,000 kg, which is 6,000 kg, or 9%, more than that of its existing counterparts on conventional

UVZ presented R1 (Russia One) tramway prototype
Uralvagonzavod (UVZ) corporation unveiled R1 (Russia One) tramway prototype produced by Uraltransmash factory. UVZ via Uraltransmash factory has merged its production forces with the creative approach in order to develop a R1 tram prototype, which combines the up-to-date achievements of the Russian transport industry with the hype-generating visual solutions. R1 tram is

UVZ to unveil the R1 (Russia One) tramway prototype next week
Uralvagonzavod (UVZ) corporation will unveil R1 (Russia One) tramway prototype produced by Uraltransmash factory, on 9th of July 2014, in Yekaterinburg, as a part of the industrial exhibition INNOPROM 2014. UVZ via Uraltransmash factory has merged its production forces with the creative approach in order to develop a R1 tram prototype, which
Uralvagonzavod Corporation and St. Petersburg Government sign cooperation agreement
Uralvargonzavod (UVZ) and St. Petersburg signed a cooperation agreement focusing on: – implementing an investment project by Research and Production Corporation UVZ to create a new research and development complex that will combine R&D resources of the three UVZ establishments: OJSC“ Central Scientific Research Institute of Materials”, OJSC “Ural Transport Machinery Plant”