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Railway Business Intelligence

TCDD key statistics 2011- 2013 Data Vizualisation

TCDD key statistics 2011- 2013 Data Vizualisation
December 08
09:54 2014


Turkish State Railways (TCDD) posted a loss of TL 1.28 billion  (EUR 461 million) in 2013, the largest loss of all the State Economic Enterprises (KIT). TCDD's losses increased by 45.9 % since 2012, from TL 877.5 million.
The company's total revenues reached TL 2.54 bn (EUR 214 million).

TCDD High speed operations

Length of Conventional Lines & total lines km

 Level crossings

 Level crossings type No
With personnel and barrier 257
Remote command barrier 0
Automatic barrier 0
Acoustic warning without barrier 36
Unprotected (with cross sign) 2252
Acoustic warning with barrier 769
Total 3314

 Level crossings by type of floor

 Level crossings by type of floor No
Wooden 413
Stabilize 354
Concrete 29
Rubber 124
Soil/Ballast 1100
Asphalt 603
Stone 353
Steel plate 286
Composite 52
Total 3314

Rolling stock fleet




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