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Railway Business Intelligence

Vacancy for the Executive Director of the European Railway Agency (ERA)

January 16
10:35 2014

ERA is looking for an Executive Director. The closing date for registration is 7 February 2014. Online registration will not be possible after 12h00 noon Brussels time.

The Executive Director is the legal representative and public face of the Agency and is accountable to the  Administrative Board.

The Executive Director will lead and manage the Agency and take overall responsibility for its operations, while ensuring the achievement of the Agency's objectives.
The Executive Director's specific responsibilities will include:
- achieving the Agency's objectives established by the Administrative Board of the Agency,
- preparing and executing the annual and multiannual work programmes, in cooperation with the Commission, with due consideration for the need to set priorities and to efficient resource management,
- preparing and executing the Agency's budget in cooperation with the Commission,
- establishing and facilitating close working relationships and cooperation with the Commission, Member States, third countries and stakeholders, as appropriate, in accordance with the Agency's tasks,
- working in close partnership with the Member States' competent authorities responsible for the  implementation of EU rail transport policy,
-  responding to any requests for assistance from the Commission or from the Member States in  accordance with the Agency's tasks,
- approving and enacting Agency measures relative to the tasks and responsibilities of the Agency, in  accordance with Regulation (EC) No 881/2004 and the new Agency Regulation proposed by the Commission in the 4th
Railway Package (e.g. vehicle authorisation and safety certification of railway undertakings, performing audits, preparing technical specifications, developing a common approach to safety, acting as ERTMS system authority),
- preparing the annual report on the Agency's activities, carrying out the day-to-day management of the Agency. Recruiting and evaluating the Agency's staff, in compliance with the EU Staff Regulations, while fostering a good team spirit and positive working  environment,
- communicating directly and indirectly with the public on all matters within the Agency's mission, in accordance with relevant communication and dissemination plans.

More details are available at this link.



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